ScareCrow Sprinkler Deterrent: For Timid Beasts Only
Scare the bejeebers out of those pesky animals eating your plants or otherwise wreaking havoc in your yard with the ScareCrow Sprinkler Deterrent, basically a battery-operated sprinkler with a built-in motion detector. Hook it up to your garden hose and if it detects movement, it unleashes a burst of spray that might just scare away … Continued
Robotic Roach Fools Real Ones, Teaches Them To Party Down
Europe, the same continent that produced conquistadors and the Inquisition, has now produced robotic cockroaches that scientists hope will influence cockroach societies everywhere. The scientists call the robotic roach an “Insbot” and it’s nothing more than a tiny robot the size of a matchbox that’s just oozing pheremones, causing the real roaches to accept it … Continued
Nicholas Deleon